#1) The book Black and White by Paul Volponi starts off with two amazing basketball player's Marcus and Eddie, they are known as black and white all through Long Island. These two basketball players start off playing for the Long Island high school basketball team. They are the star's of this team and some of the best player's in Long Island. They are known to carry there team to the playoffs and soon become professional basketball player's; however one bad decision affects there lives for good. Marcus and Eddie need money to pay off school finances; however they have wasted the money there parents have gave them so they decide to do stickups (robbing) to people who come out of a supermarket. They feel it is easy money with a gun Marcus' grandfather had in the attic. But one mistake of the trigger almost killing a man unintentionally causes Marcus who was pointed out by the victim to be sent to prison. Since these two young men do everything together everyone feel's that Eddie had something to do with it. Although they are right, they don't know so and Eddie tries to keep it a secret for as long as possible with the help of his good friend Marcus who does not rat him out. Later on Marcus' lawyer decides it would be best if he were to confess which is what he does hoping to get less time in prison. Soon enough there is evidence found that Eddie was with Marcus during the stickup.Finally Marcus is about to be sent off to prison after Eddie and his Long Island basketball team lost in the playoffs. Since Marcus could not play because of his charges Eddie felt it was up to him to carry the team which is a hard task to do alone which he is not used to doing without Marcus by his side. Right before Marcus is sent off to prison he see's Eddie playing basketball in the circle which is a park in the middle of Long Island. He watches him for awhile after he decides to go over and play with him. After they are done they talk about how black and white will never be broken up.
2.) The theme of this story was described in a unique way because the author Paul Volponi uses a huge mistake to jeopardize your whole life. He show's how believing something so simple can lead to a great misfortune. He also shows how if you can avoid a huge problem then take it because you never know how the the outcome or consequences might be.
3.)The author's tone feel's educational and detailed as if he wants you, the reader, to learn a lesson also it feels as if even though you make a mistake doesn't mean you're a bad person it just means you're human. " But I was never as shook as when the gun in Eddie's hand went off"(1). This quote shows how doing something bad you're not used to can affect you. "And I was praying to God with every breath I took that the man wasn't dead"(2). This quote shows how even though he has done a mistake he still has a heart in caring for the man who was accidentally shot. "We knew enough not to rob other kid's" (6). This final quote show's how even though you are well raised and educated you can still make mistake's.
4.) Internal conflict: " I lifted my leg for the first step, and something settled in my brain"(24). External conflict: "It was freezing out that night. We started to shiver"(12). Exposition: " My name is Marcus Brown, but almost everybody outside my family calls me "black". Inciting Incident: "Two week's after that, we robbed an old white man just before the store's closed that night"(10). Resolution: "Marcus pleaded guilty to the shooting".
Fix some little errors and it will be much better. Good job at it though.