Sunday, October 27, 2013

Leopard Man Essay

Macias 1
Cris Macias
Mr. Ostini
English 2
October 27, 2013
Leopard Man Essay

Society try's to keep people from expressing their own ideas and/or interests. Since society thinks this way, many people feel as if that is the only way to think. In the short story, The sociology of leopard man the author Logan Feys states," society tends to discourage people from expressing their unique ideas and behaving in ways that are different from their peers". In my opinion there's definitely a time to act serious but there is also a time to get loose and get away from society and just be yourself.
The author makes a valid point when he said we should all get away from society every once in a while. The author also says we should be on our own person in society. Logan Feys shows he is very respectful of leopard mans decision. "I'm in no position to judge his particular choice". Leopard man is a man who has decided to completely escape society and live as a leopard in the nature having most of his body tattooed and most of his teeth pulled out to look even more like a leopard. He spends most of his time in the nature by himself; however, he does go to the city to get food and his basic necessities.
"But from time to time to society out of your life and out of your mind-not permanently (necessarily)". This quote explains Logan Feys' point showing that he wants people to society out of your head, but not permanently. Also this quote says to get society out of your life when necessary. For example if you had a hard day at work then go for a walk in the park or take a nap.
"He may not be a hero, but he is free. Be psychologically free enough and strong enough to live independently leaving society and entering society In no ones terms but your own". This quote is another example which says you don't have to be physically strong, but mentally strong. You must be able to get away from society when possible and come back being a better you and follow your own terms, no one else's.
So once again you must remember that getting away from society is important. You must be able to relax and get away from work, school, and just drama in general. Lastly you should never be getting stressed out. You must be like Leopard man from time to time and be mentally free when you want.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vocabulary #9 definitions and sentences

1.) Savory- Delicious- The food my mom made was so savory.
2.) entice- to tempt- The nerd started to entice the guy on probation.
3.) tactless- insensitive-The new kid in school was acting very tactless.
4.) integrity- self respect or self worth- My cousin lost his integrity when he went behind his moms back.
5.) compensate- pay for service- My aunt forgot to compensate the plumber for fixing the toilet.
6.) aloof-disinterested/ spaced out- I started to aloof during my geometry class.
7.) goad- to taunt- My little cousin started to goad the lion in the cage.

8.) cohort- friend- My friend lost a very trusting cohort when he lied to his face.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Five Ways to Become a Better Soccer Player

Cris Macias
October 21, 2013
Block 3
Five Ways on How To Become a Better Soccer Player

1.) Dealing with Bigger opponents. When playing against a bigger player it is always better to play the ball quickly. Also a simple one two touch is always very effective because bigger players cannot react as fast. “I also keep a distance from them so that I can turn quickly and we don’t find ourselves going for the same ball”. This  quote from Andres Iniesta shows how he deals with bigger opponents by keeping your distance from that player.

2.) Quick Thinking. During a game you don’t have a lot of time to think so the few things you do have are crucial you must think of where your teammate is running to. Where does your teammate like the ball? Which teammate is onside? Does that teammate have space to move? “You can be the best passer in the world, but without your team-mates being in the right position, it’s no good”. This is also another good point from Iniesta stating how your teammates must also be open and make themselves available for a pass from any position you may be in.

3.) Technical skill. Another extremely important factor in soccer is technical skill. This is important because you have to be able to pass/receive a ball and shoot and dribble. Not only do you have to do these, but you must be able to pass/receive with control. You must be able to shoot with accuracy. You also must be able to dribble with speed.

4.) Training. When training you must know how to train and what to do. You must be aware that when training you have to push yourself to train hard. It is usually better to have a partner that can help motivate you to train hard. Also you can do simple exercises such as touch and pass and sprints or suicides; however, it is better to do complex exercises such as flying changes and dribble and shoot.

5.) Shooting from far. Shooting far from the goal can be very difficult if you can't aim or control the ball. When shooting you must think where you can aim to make it most difficult for the goal keeper to reach. Also when shooting do not be selfish if you don't have a gap to shoot from look for a teammate that has a better chance of scoring that's what makes a good soccer player not one who scores but who makes the best decisions for the team.

Works Cited

Iniesta, Andres. "Andres Iniesta: How to Boss the Midfield." Performance Train. Think. Play. Like a Pro. FourFourTwo, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

Scott, Lucas. "World Football." Bleacher Report. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

Tladi, Lerato. "CMFD." CMFD. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Favorite Mistake

Macias 1
Cris Macias
Mr. Ostini
English 2
16 April 2013
My Favorite Mistake
My biggest mistake took place in many places. It all started during a soccer game. The second Halve of the game started, one of the players on our team had the ball and he wouldn't pass the ball. He thought he could take everyone on the other team . Soon enough he got injured and the other team took the ball and scored, we lost that game from that score. No One ever really liked him. Especially after he lost that game for us.
So we all decided to kick him off the team, Obviously he was very upset. Soon enough that sadness he had turned into anger. His anger made him spread rumors about everyone on the team. He even talked bad about the coach. So one day we had just got out of practice and we all decided to go get something to eat. As we were walking to get something we just happened to see him leaving his house but he didn't see us. So my friend Anthony gets an idea, “ Ey foo lets get his bike”. My other friend Braulio says, “I’m down haha”. So since he was talking bad about everyone we all decided to take his bike and ride it down to McDonald’s.
Macias 2
After we were done eating we broke his bike and threw it into a nearby lake. “ Ey run I think I see his car”, says Braulio so we all got scared and ran as fast as we could over a fence but some of the players couldn't hop the fence since it was like eight feet
high so we had to help them as fast as possible. We weren't sure if he had seen us so we just played it cool.

Later that week at practice a cop shows up and talks to each player separately. 

Everyone on the team didn't want to rat anyone out so we just said it was like two people 

we knew would have to go to court anyways. After that everyone ended up going to court. 

By the end of this whole court we all got community service and had to pay for his bike. 

One we were done with the community service. The crybaby whose bike we broke and 

his dad to this day talk bad about everyone but everyone knows what happened and 

everyone knows that he is a bad player and a bad person in general. Whenever he talks 

bad about us today it does get to us; however, we don’t let it get to us we just let it go.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocabulary #8

1.) My dad found out that our neighbor is malignant because he used to beat his children.

2.) My new baby cousin was acting very ornery in the middle of the night.

3.) During the weekend, my dog was indolent after we took a run around the neighborhood.

4.) The bully at school belittled the new kid in the class.

5.) On the game show deal or no deal, the man decided to take the deal because he didn't want to jeopardize losing all the money.

6.) A couple of years ago, my grandfather reached his demise.

7.) On our way to universal studios everything went awry when the car got a flat tire in the middle of nowhere.

8.) The new clothes my sister bought were very frugal because they ripped in one day.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

literature analysis #1

#1) The book Black and White by Paul Volponi starts off with two amazing basketball player's Marcus and Eddie, they are known as black and white all through Long Island. These two basketball players start off playing for the Long Island high school basketball team. They are the star's of this team and some of the best player's in Long Island. They are known to carry there team to the playoffs and soon become professional basketball player's; however one bad decision affects there lives for good. Marcus and Eddie need money to pay off school finances; however they have wasted the money there parents have gave them so they decide to do stickups (robbing) to people who come out of a supermarket. They feel it is easy money with a gun Marcus' grandfather had in the attic. But one mistake of the trigger almost killing a man unintentionally causes Marcus who was pointed out by the victim to be sent to prison. Since these two young men do everything together everyone feel's that Eddie had something to do with it. Although they are right, they don't know so and Eddie tries to keep it a secret for as long as possible with the help of his good friend Marcus who does not rat him out. Later on Marcus' lawyer decides it would be best if he were to confess which is what he does hoping to get less time in prison. Soon enough there is evidence found that Eddie was with Marcus during the stickup.Finally Marcus is about to be sent off to prison after Eddie and his Long Island basketball team lost in the playoffs. Since Marcus could not play because of his charges Eddie felt it was up to him to carry the team which is a hard task to do alone which he is not used to doing without Marcus by his side. Right before Marcus is sent off to prison he see's Eddie playing basketball in the circle which is a park in the middle of Long Island. He watches him for awhile after he decides to go over and play with him. After they are done they talk about how black and white will never be broken up.

2.) The theme of this story was described in a unique way  because the author Paul Volponi uses a huge mistake to jeopardize your whole life. He show's how believing something so simple can lead to a great misfortune. He also shows how if you can avoid a huge problem then take it because you never know how the the outcome or consequences might be.

3.)The author's tone feel's educational and detailed as if he wants you, the reader, to learn a lesson also it feels as if even though you make a mistake doesn't mean you're a bad person it just means you're human. " But I was never as shook as when the gun in Eddie's hand went off"(1). This quote shows how doing something bad you're not used to can affect you. "And I was praying to God with every breath I took that the man wasn't dead"(2). This quote shows how even though he has done a mistake he still has a heart in caring for the man who was accidentally shot. "We knew enough not to rob other kid's" (6). This final quote show's how even though you are well raised and educated you can still make mistake's.

4.) Internal conflict:   " I lifted my leg for the first step, and something settled in my brain"(24). External conflict:   "It was freezing out that night. We started to shiver"(12). Exposition:   " My name is Marcus Brown, but almost everybody outside my family calls me "black". Inciting Incident:   "Two week's after that, we robbed an old white man just before the store's closed that night"(10). Resolution:   "Marcus pleaded guilty to the shooting".

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

vocabulary # 4

free choice

     Honestly I don’t really know what to talk about so i’m just going to talk about my average week through life. So basically on Monday I get up in the morning take a shower and change, after that I go eat whatever I can make usually like a fruit smoothie because my mom likes fruit, also once I finish that I do my hair and brush my teeth. Once I get ready in the morning i go to my first block. For my first block I have bridge to geometry with Mr. castelino( I think that’s how you spell it). Honestly I don’t like that class it gets really boring because I don’t know anybody and I don’t like the way he teaches. After that I go to break and then second block. For my second block I have biology with Mrs. Duran. This class is better than math because I actually know people in the class and I like what we are learning about. After that class I have lunch then Third block ( the best class ha). I don’t really have to talk to much about that class because you’re my teacher so yea. After third block I have Z block which is P.E. For P.E I have Mrs. or miss Hemesath( i’m not sure if she’s married). Once I FINALLY get out of school I go home and eat some food (I like food). Once I eat I go do my homework. After doing my homework I like to go to the park close to my house and use this running parachute for resistance to help me get faster for soccer. 

     So basically on Tuesday it is the same thing as Monday I get ready in the morning and go to school. Once I get out of school I go home and eat, but then I do homework and get ready for soccer conditioning/ practice with my club soccer team. We got a new conditioning coach and he pushes us to our max . We have to run while holding a brick over our head without letting it touch our heads or putting it down. If we do then we have to do sixty push-ups after that we have to jump over a wall about four feet high about eighty times, that’s our warm-up. After that we do several other exercises as an actual workout involving a brick. 

     So for Wednesday and Friday it is the same as Monday. Also Thursday is the same as Tuesday. On the weekend I do stuff differently. On Saturday I go work with my dad. For work we leave at about seven in the morning and get back at about five in the afternoon. Usually we have to demo (demolition) a office or something familiar before we can start. Once we demo the work site we start building whatever it is they need whether its some walls or an addition to a house or anything construction related. After we get back home we just relax for the rest of the day. On Sunday we usually go to church and maybe go to a party. So that is my average week .

passion blog

     My passion by far is definitely soccer. Soccer is my basically my getaway from the rest of the world. When I am having problems whether its at school, with my family, or friends i know as soon my foot touches that ball, all the problems seem to just fade away. I also love playing on my club soccer team. I am very competitive and so is my team so we always want to win everything. I hope to make it on the school soccer team this year. I am the only one in my family that plays a sport so I can’t really play with any of my cousins; However, when I go to Mexico most of my cousins over there play so we almost always play every time I see them. I've been playing since I was about four or five years old and I do not regret starting to play at all.  

     Another passion I have is basically just making anything I can with wood or metal. For example last week I made a desk and gave it to my cousin. It came out pretty good I was proud of it. Also I made a small bbq pit about a month ago and gave it to my dad. It also came out pretty good as well. I've liked making things since I was a small child, but of course when I was a child I would make smaller things like a birdhouse or a small dollhouse for my little sister. 

     Cooking isn’t really a passion more like a hobbie. I like helping my mom cook dinner and I like cooking in general. I can cook a good amount of different dishes like chicken alfredo, enchiladas, tamales, chicken soup etc. I've been cooking for quite a while for about a year or two I don’t cook to often because of soccer and homework, but when I have free time I do enjoy making something or experimenting with different foods. I like to try to invent something different or unique.